Halloween 2011 Inspiration

Inspiration #1
Me and my leopard out for a walk...
Wake me up before the sunrise...

One day I will just fly away...
Oh I am so tired.. Don't really know if I'm gonna blog any today but I know that I have a big video coming up with all the outfits of the week in (well some of them). So yeah that is coming up today or tomorrow. So for now I'm gonna leave you with one of my favorite songs right now. Enjoy!
Good freaking morning.
Pic: <3
Oh... I am sooo tired today, even if I don't get into work until 9 this morning I am still dead lol! I woke up this morning and just wanted snow. Don't know whats wrong with me, I usually don't like snow until christmas but today I just want it. Anyway I will get going now hope you will have a great day!
Knits and Leopard.
- Scarf: H&M
- Jeansdress: EastWest
- Stockings: Divided
- Earings: H&M
- Knittedvest: H&M
- Bracelets: Gifts
- Watch: Regal
- Kneehigh socks: H&M
- Nailpolish: Kicks Cannes Carpet
Sheer fabrics and leopard.
- Scarf: H&M
- Sheer tunicdress: VILA
- Beige underdress: VILA
- Stockings: Divided
- Earings: Gift
- Knittedvest: H&M
- Bracelets: Gifts
Hi my name is Anna and Im a shoeoholic. Hi Anna!
I did go into the city even if I didn't want to lol! Well well what can you do about that now. Anyway I did some shopping while I was there. I was just gonna get a nailpolish but ended up with kneehighsocks, shoes and some makeup too. When I got there it was really warm but then it started to cool down abit now in the afternoon, fall? I hope so! If you live in Sweden and want some nice fall shoes then you should check out Skopunkten right now. They had alot of cute shoes in the store today, usually I'm not that impressed with their shoes but they have stepped it up for this fall/winter. Good job! And I can't wait to wear the shoes this fall with stockings, cute dresses, lots of layers and scarfs.
Rainy days blues

Oh... Im so very sleepy today, don't know why though. I woke up to rainy, gray, gloomy and foggy weather. Maybe just maybe that has something to do with it. Who knows?
Today I have alot of stuff to fix for this week, I work really wierd hours this week but I don't mind. It ended up so that I get 2 whole early days this week. And the only day we have a meeting then I get off work late so I don't have to go home and go back to work. Hello convenient!
I'm gonna see if it's today I'm going to meet up with a girl/lady/whatever that wants to get one of my old books from school. I don't really need them anymore and I am never (EVER) going back to that education (I have graduated) so I might aswell give them a new home with someone that will actually need them. But hopefully it's not gonna be today cause I really feel like staying in my PJ's all day long just watching shows. It would suck if I have to get dressed and go all the way into the city to give her the book today. Well Well we will see.
I had such a lovely day yesterday with my sister, we went shopping, had a coffee, talked alot and just spent time togheter. I have really missed her lately. You know that is the way stuff gets when both of you are very busy during the week. Then you need to take some time together now and then and just hang out.
Anyway Im going to finish my breakfast now and then go get a coffee. Maybe watch some shows in bed and just chillax. I will be back later Take care!
Im in a moving picture...
- Scarf: H&M
- Black Jacket: Vintage from 1960's
- Ring: Lindex
- Black oversized T-shirt: H&M
- Stockings: Divided
- Nailpolish: O.P.I (don't know the name of it)
- Necklace: Vintage from 1940's
- Black tight dress: MQ