The village by the sea... part 1

One more day and we're moving on...
My home
You say you love the rain...
Outside the town...

Good morning...

This is really not fun, woke up this morning the second week on my vacation and guess what? It is currently 16 degrees outside! 16! Are you kidding me? This has to be some kind of joke right? If it isn't then please let me just move... More disturbing is that I know there was something I had to do today but right now I can't remember what it was. But I guess that I will remember it soon hopefully. Going to enjoy the first part of the day with some youtube and coffee not that bad of a start. Hope you all have a good morning and a great day!
Today is the day

Pics: ♥
Today is the day when I get my new hair color. I've been thinking about this for a while now and finally I’ve made up my mind. I’m totally late and totally panicking about it but hey it’s fine everything will work out for the better huh? I hope all of you have a great day and I’ll be back later after my disaster meeting is done for the day.
Young and stupid
Spinning around...

Pics: ♥
Congrats to the happy couple

Pics: ♥
Summer outside the city